Monday, September 28, 2009

I recently had the opportunity to photograph a precious newborn baby. This is baby "C" and he was only 12 days old on the day of the session. He was absolutely perfect for the session. He didn't mind the changing of outfits. We did give him several opportunities to get a full tummy and then it was on for more photographs. After a long "work" session, he was ready for a bottle and ready for a good long nap. Congrats Brent & Brandie! Cherish these moments because they will be gone in a blink of an eye. ~Tara~

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Some to share.....

I've gotten a little behind on the blogging, but sometimes life just gets busy and you can't accomplish everything in one day and sometimes even in weeks. I wanted to shared a few from some sessions I've done lately.

I'm also preparing for Christmas and Holiday pictures. Check back for updates on the dates that Santa will be here!!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

As you can tell, I'm a little late on posting beach pictures from vacation. Here are a few I wanted to share. I can't begin to tell you, how close these two siblings are to each other. "J" is doing an excellent job in being a big brother and lil Miss "H" is having so much fun walking in her brother's footsteps.....I hope they always have this close bond with each other.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Look where I've been......

I will confess that I have fallen behind on the blogging but with vacation and keeping up with my two kiddos, I have fallen behind. Sorry, I'll try to do better.

I've recently in my spare time (if you really believe that I have spare time..LOL) have had the opportunity to have several photo sessions. I absolutely enjoy photo sessions with children. Each child has his or her own personality and what is so special about that is....I get to capture those special moments.

Here are just a few that I've done recently...And to the parents/grandparents of these little kiddos, this is your SNEAK peek!

Enjoy! ~Tara~

Monday, May 4, 2009

Turning Three!!!!

I'm taking out time on the blog for a special post....This is my little "J" who will be turning THREE in a couple of weeks. I can't believe the time has passed so quickly, but I guess when you're having fun....Time flies.

This little guy gave me the incentive to pursue my love of photography. When he was born, I made a decision to stay home and be home with him. With that being said, I was able to hear his first words, watch him as he did the first crawl and then got to see his first steps. Being home with him has been some of the most memorable days but also there's been times I wanted to give up and pull my hair out. Its all been worth it....I look at him now and I can't believe how time has passed.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Special Day with Mom

Here are a few images from one of my Mother's Day sessions. We spent some time at the park and were able to capture some great moments of mom and baby. Also, we got to spend some time walking through the park and best of all....we got to cool off with a nice train ride through the park. Of course, there were so many good images, I couldn't just choose one of my favorites so here's a few from the session..... ~Tara~

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sweet Little Girls

Wanted to share a few from a recent session. Most of my session recently have been boys, but this one had two precious little girls. I've had several opportunities to photograph them and every session is so much FUN! Take a look and see how much fun I had recently! ~Tara~

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Birthday

This little fellow will be celebrating his 2nd birthday later this month. It seems this little guy should still be a baby. time flies! This session was like all the other toddler sessions....full of fun and getting plenty of exercise. I don't know where these kids are getting their energy. I guess us moms and dads are getting paid back for our childhood days! ~Tara~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Little Something Different

I wanted share something that I've started designing....."Alphabet Art" Here is a alphabet art picture that I recently made for one of my client's baby girl. Of course, her name is Piper and this was designed with photos of objects around my home. If you would like more information about "alphabet art" contact us........

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sports Complex Dedication

I've been busy with Easter sessions and if you haven't seen your photos on the blog yet.....don't give up, I will post them soon. Tonight, I was at the ball field and not having to work!!!! I didn't know how to act, but of course I carried the camera anyway because I knew I would need it.

Long story, but I'll make it short. The Rainbow City ball complex, which is named after my husband's grandmother, Vivian Lee Maddox, had their opening ceremony tonight. This was the first night of baseball games on the new fields. The opening ceremony was dedicated to Mrs. Maddox and the "first pitch" was thrown out by no other, but our own little Jackson. Of course, being "mom" I was proud of our little man. He did a fabulous job with the help of his cousin Landon catching the ball. We were unaware that Landon would be catching the ball, but it was special the way it happen. Here are just a few photos from the dedication and I will try to post video in a later post.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sweet Little Girl

Here's another sweet little one I'd like to show.......I've had so many cute little boys in my recent sessions and this has been my only little girl so far......She is so precious and was easy to photo during the session. She had some of the cutest expressions. Here are just a FEW of my favorites.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Look at this sweet little fellow. After he went fishin', he was ready to go cruzin in his 55 Chevy!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Prince & Princess

I've been busy the past few weekends with my Easter sessions. I've had some really good kids during this time and of course some excellent photos. During my down time between sessions, I thought I'd try to get a few of my two kids. Let me remind you, I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old so I have to snap really fast to get any photos of the two. I wasn't able to get both looking at the camera, but the one of them looking at each other.....I can only imagine what those two are thinking! All I can days ahead are going to be FUN!

Of course little miss "H" is going to sit and pose and be my little princess!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Double the Fun

I recently had a session that was Double the Fun! Aren't these little fellows just adorable......I enjoyed every single minute with these guys.

On this session I got exercise, but at the same time, I had double the fun than I would have normally. Thanks were terrific in front of the camera.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Handsome Little Guys

Today, I had a few sessions with some handsome little men around town. Thanks to the moms and dads for allowing me to photograph their special little guys.

I enjoyed every minute of these sessions.....and if you'll notice they were all boys so I truly got my exercise today!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baby "C"

I recently did this session of this sweet little baby girl. There's a story I want to share....

Baby C's parents are both in the service to protect and serve our country. As we all know that sometimes we are called to duty and have no control over the time of duty nor where we will go. Her mom will be deployed this month to the Middle East. Please remember Baby "C" and especially her mom has she leaves this month to go and protect our country. Also, let's remember daddy as well as he will have a BIG role to play during the next several months.

Jesse & Megan...I'm thinking of you and if I can help in anyway....let me know. Here's a little something special.......

Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I can't believe its been a year already! My baby turns ONE today. It seems as if we were just bringing her home from the hospital. Happy Birthday HannNAY! We Love You!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

No more babies.....

I can't believe my baby is turning one next week. It seems we just brought her home from the hospital. Where does time go??? Mentioning growing too fast, my little buddy will turn 3 in May. It seems like he has gone from baby/toddler into a miniature little man overnight.